
Monday 4 July 2011

Back from Plock...

Well I'm back from Plock, I was visiting my grandmother...
The weather in Poland is awful...
My mood isn't very good too...
But maybe it's time for a change now? I think so, cause Malyn will be back today.
Tomorrow I'll work in a restaurant. Yeah, great summer time ;P Atfer work I'll see my friends so it will be fine ;) I'll work there only for a week, after it I'm going to Malta <3 It will be AMAZING, I'm already sure. :)


  1. If you love partying Malta is really worth your attention ;)
    I'm sure it'll all get better in time :*

  2. Sandra Camillio7 July 2011 at 15:54

    I work in a coffee shop! :) holiday work isn't bad ;)
